Taiwan Sensei's Trans Am

A masked man in a samurai costume holding up a katana.

DJ Wang has this to say:

Yesterday was... hmmm...

Yesterday can’t even be described. Except for maybe by jive talkin’ robots.

Taiwan Sensei (the Grenade-Throwing Japanese Language Instructor from Taiwan) went Level 5 Super Samurai on “Pretty Boy” as he was saying, “I brought these students back to your class.”

Taiwan Sensei could care less, “Get out of my class! I don’t care who you are.”

Pretty Boy ran away in his Amani. That’s not a typo. His suits are part of the Sears Activeware selection.

Pretty Boy even tried calling the security guards but they were too busy feeling up on the student body.

So an hour later after Pretty Boy had changed his pants and stopped crying he had his secretary type a polite non-threatening letter to the man wearing full samurai armor with a sheathed Masamune.

Taiwan Sensei, please come to my office when second period is over.”

The samurai replied, “Yeah, I’ll go to your office, and I’ll dastardly deed you,” in his normal eloquence.

At this point I don’t know what has happened to the two of the them. It is quite possible that Pretty Boy is in the trunk of Taiwan Sensei’s Trans Am, but who knows.

Well, I’m actually off to Japanese class in about 5 minutes so I’ll see what happens.

Maybe I can update during lunch if I can get the book dictators (librarians) off my back for 10 minutes.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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