Pretty Boy's Henchman

A photo of a bald security guard wearing sunglasses and an earpiece.

DJ Wang has this to say:

Today was the day after Valentine’s Day and all those “charming” heart balloons are gone.

Where did they go? Maybe they were replaced with little tear drop balloons after those couples got broken up.

Well, Super Fly the Wise Guy and The Woodsman (check The Poss section of the site) got in trouble with Baldo the Security Guard (RIA’s newest enemy), one of Pretty Boy’s henchmen.

Apparently, it was because the entire band of RIA and the Poss were beating down on a tree, but only The Woodsman and Super Fly the Wise Guy got caught. I determined it was because they were easy to spot. Luckily my stealth kicked in and I blended into the background.

DJ Skittles later spotted that it was a tree-hugging hippie that ratted us out. If there is one thing DJ Skittles can’t stand, it’s hippies. With their peace sign that resembles a Mercedes logo.

Well, back to Baldo. Baldo land-monstered his way over to RIA and the Poss, and he was rather angry. Mainly from the fact that we took time away from him and cruising for the student body.

He immediately approached The Woodsman and Super Fly the Wise Guy. He had a particular way of talking. He said the magic four letter word repeatedly after every word that wasn’t the four lettered word. The one that rhymes with duck.

So those two members of the Poss were escorted down to Pretty Boy’s office. But then suddenly Super Fly the Wise Guy came back looking somewhat disheveled.

We rushed up to ask if he was alright. He said he was, but at the cost of abandoning The Woodsman. At some point along the way, when Baldo seemed distracted, Super Fly the Wise Guy took advantage of the opportunity and fled.

The Woodsman later came back after bravely facing off with Pretty Boy alone.

After school, DJ Skittles tried to board the Ghetto-fabulous School Bus, but to nobody’s surprise, he could not. Alas, there wasn’t enough room to accommodate actual students after having been fitted with a new sound system and hydraulics.

So as DJ Skittles and I were on our way back to my funky fresh pad, we seen the highlight of the day.

An “Eager Traveler Removal Vehicle”. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I will describe it. It looks like a mix between a hummer and a tank without a cannon. It was crazy cool.

I told him to run over the Geo Metro that was in front of him, but he only waved at us.

A bit down the road there was a possum. Only it was in compact form, namely smushed. I deduced that the tank guy ran him down for treason because there was a little flag on it that said “treason”.

And at that point, we dashed into the street screaming,
“Make way! Superstars coming through!”

Some people stopped. Some didn’t.

The ones who didn’t stop were the ones with the problem. They ended up hitting the cars that stopped.

So that is the end of that and always remember: If then is now, now was later, and later was then, then what is now?



=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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