You'll be feeling like SHEETA

An animated gif from the movie "Castle in the Sky" showing Pazu’s hands placing some morsels of something into Sheeta’s hand as some pigeons inquisitively flutter around it.

DJ Hadoken has this to say:

A few things I want to vent. Today is Valentine’s Day. I have never seen so many balloons in one place in my life. What is with you lamesters? “Oh look at me, my darling loves me. I have TEN balloons!”

Yeah, you know what? Why don’t all you lamesters get together and tie all those balloons to the classroom? Then you’ll be feeling like SHEETA as it levitates away into space like a little LAPUTA. Can classrooms levitate anyway? If they can’t, then I need someone to remind me when I become president to pass a law making it illegal for classrooms to not be levitatable.

What are you going to do with those balloons when your DARLING dumps you? Using my special Hadoken logic, I can predict that about seventy-five percent of you lamesters will be dumped next week by the same DARLING who says they love you today. So listen up. That’s the truth, lamesters. Now you want good ol’ love doctor Hadoken’s advice?

Exchange those balloons for
whatever filth it is that Pazu feeds his pigeons.

In other news, I should be putting up A NEW RIA ADVENTURE this weekend. Also, RIA is getting together on Friday to record. So expect a bunch of new stuff, RIA-style. Yo.

Furthermore, RIA will be at the mall on Monday. We are planning on hogging the DDR machine. So if you plan on playing DDR on Monday, don’t bother. Unless, you don’t mind hearing about seven hours of “So Many Men”.

Finally, this site is on moratorium. Which basically means we are concentrating on getting all of our current material up before we venture into making new sections.

Believe me, there’s some crazy-cool stuff. There are a ton of One Shots that need to be put up. “So Many Men” chronicles are ready, along with two more West Side Story Reenactments.

That is all.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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