Grave of the Fireflies (1988) Review

The Japanese movie poster of Grave of the Fireflies.

DJ Wang putting his wang in your ear has this to say:

Good day to you people. More followers I say, more!

We need to become a religion. Just imagine a church party palace. TAX FREE!

That’s the stuff.

Tell everyone you know. Make flyers or something.

Today in Japanese class we watched a WWII anime called Grave of the Fireflies.

For those who don’t know what WWII is or you are pronouncing it phonetically, WWII stands for World War Two.

Come to think of it, what would have happened if they named World War One, World War One instead of The Great War?

People would be thinking, “Hey... One? Does that mean more than one? or two? three? HOW MANY MORE?! I can’t handle it!” *BANG BANG BANG* and that would have probably started World War Two.

Well, back to the anime. Anime is normally crazy (to American standards) but this one was weird. They tied children to their backs with gauze like a human stroller or something.

Just goes to show these people are wusses. A child on your back can’t really do anything and it isn’t very dangerous or eye catching. So I suggest that they rewrite the anime and make it so that they strap one or more of the following to their backs:

Sharks, Bombs, Dogs, Robots, Eels, Anvils, Heavy Stuff, Fireplace, Livestock, Pokemon, a very feisty squid, Meta-Guy, a big stack of dirty deedorno, a keg of beer, 7 cats, or a very angry Man-o-War.

Ironically enough, these are the weapons that RIA shall suggest to the military.

Imagine it. While those bad guys try and shoot at us we throw a squid into their bunker.

Now who’s laughing?! Me!... And maybe the squid!

Pretty Boy was doing a large patrol of the school but he seemed to hover mostly around RIA territory.

I asked DJ Benvenuto if he knew what he was looking for and DJ Benvenuto responded with, “He is looking for my sausage. He wants my sausage.”

Then he started shouting it out to the world. Nothing really happened.

That is all for now.

Stand by for the commercials.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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