DJ Benvenuto the "Geocities hatin’ Kirei Hanaya Otoko lovin’" Raccoon has this to say:
Yeah, yeah I know. Where are the updates!?
Well, don’t bother complaining. I know. Nothing super-notable has happened. That’s one of the reasons why, and another is that I’ve been pretty busy with the crap they call homework.
Enough excuses. Here is a rough summary of interesting things I remember.
Today, the big mold structure that was growing on the window seems to have disappeared. It either grew legs and walked away or someone actually got up and cleaned it!
The grass is dead. That’s good. Very good.
New dastardly devices for our bush have been found and acquired.
Pretty Boy seems to have been snooping around recently. He seems to be interested in my danger zone... or midriff. Not too sure.
He also took away Super Fly the Wise Guy’s hacky sack for no real reason. I bet he just smelled my man scent on it. Boy that Pretty Boy sure is lame.
I’m done. I can’t remember anything else. Forgive my Hadoken-like memory.
I’ll try to update more. That is, if there is anything to talk about... Oh, and just in case you occasionally try to get on the site but can’t, it’s Geocities’ fault. They want money.
We’ll try to get that resolved, but we’ll get back to you on that.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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