Tenchi Muyo! Fan-fic Chapter 1

Sasami, Tsunami and other characters from Tenchi Muyo in swimsuits at the beach.

No Need For A Different Story
Tenchi Muyo! Fan-fic

Written by Guy the Manager

Chapter 1
In the Beginning...

This fic should be either at www.riafunk.com or www.riafunk.blog. If not, then someone must have moved this fic onto a site which I have no clue of. If I do find out, then I will have to send in Meta-Guy after you and burn you with his laser eyes.


I hope you liked my rather short prologue. That was just put there to better understand my new character. It wasn’t TOO long. And besides, I DID post it at the same time as this chapter. So no complaints!

Now, I must do the legality thing again.

Trust me, I don’t want to know what is worse than dirt-poor-broke.


Characters from Tenchi Muyo! are owned by AIC and Pioneer.

Bic and Clover Wei own Sailor Moon.

Don’t sue me because this is for entertainment purposes only and is a non-for-profit thingy. (It means that I’m not making money out of this.)

Well, with all of that aside, enjoy this fic. ^_^


(............ I..... wo...... aga.. ?.... Bu...... said...... it woul..work agai.. for the past 2 hours! ..... *Ahem*)


Uhh, it seems that we ran into some MINOR problems, but nothing that the INCREDIBLE GENIOUS that my friend is couldn’t handle.

Anyways, like I was about to say, onto my story!


The scenery was a lush green plain. Green grass seemed to roll on forever into the horizon, and the plain was marked with a few trees here and there. A dirt path wound along the grass and around the trees. The sky was a hue of light blue with a hint of sunset pink at the west.

There were a few people around. Some were playing football, others were on the ground, eating sandwiches and talking about their day. But all had one thing on their minds: To relax!

Everyone there was relaxing, one way or another, but they all came to just unwind and forget their hectic day at work or at school. And what other place to kick off your shoes and close your eyes than at the public park.

The scene shifts from the entire park to a particular spot near a large tree. S small space that has been occupied by the same family for as long as they can remember. This is the place where Ian (that’s me!) and his family enjoy the evening.

Mir is finishing up his Trig homework, while Ian and Jill listen to some Naoki songs underneath the tree. Their parents are talking about plans for next weeks trip to Eros, one of Mars’s two moons.

“So, what do you think?” asked Locke.

“I think it’s an excellent idea, honey,” Kathie said. “The kids will love it.”

“I’m not doing this JUST for the kids,” he said with a smile on his face.

“I’m doing this for us, as well.”

Kathie’s face grew a little concerned. “But honey. I don’t think that we can...”

“I’m not saying that we are going to just drop them like nothing. They are capable of taking care of themselves.”

“I know that, honey, but the fact of the matter is, I don’t like the idea of leaving our children alone to roam around while we get pampered at the spas.”

“You’re talking like we are going to ABANDON them!” he said in a strong, but low voice.

“Honey, let’s face it. How many hours do we both work every day?”

She thought about it for a while before saying, “11 hours, I suppose.”

“Now, multiply that by 6, and that would be...”

“66 hours.”

“Right. Now multiply THAT by 48.”

“Umm.” She kept trying to reach the answer when she finally said, “3,168 hours?!”

“The equivalent of 132 days. Now, what does that tell you?”

“That I’m working too hard?”

Locke nods his head. “You sure are.”

Locke starts to lean closer.

“And how do you think you should be treated after working soooo hard, neh?”

now back to the blog...

“You’re right, honey,” she says with a grin.

“Our children are smart enough to take care of themselves.”

Locke smiles with delight. “I knew you would see it my way.”

“Hmm, you still have that charm that makes me see it your way.”

They both lean over and kiss each other, only to be interrupted by three hungry children.

“Mom, where’s the grub? We’re starving!” they all shout in unison.

Locke puts on a skeptical look. “How does doing your homework and listening to music make one hungry?”

“I need the fuel to power my brain so I can solve these problems,” responded Kip.

“And we need food so we can keep up with these heavy beats,” interjected Jill in an uncertain manner.

Ian leaned close to Jill and asked, “’Heavy beats’?”

Jill shrugged humming an “I don’t know.”

Ian stood motionless, trying to figure out what she had said, but then gave up saying, “Ri-ight.”

“Oh, alright then,” Kathie said. “You’ve convinced me.” She gets closer to Locke. "Not.” He starts to chuckle. “Come on over and get your food.”

“Alright!” exclaimed Ian. “I’m starving.”

“What did you make for us this time, Mom?” inquired Jill.

“Yeah, mom. What is it this time?” Kathie reaches over to her left to a fairly small, cooler-like box.

“Let’s find out.” She opens the box, which makes a small hissing sound. “Shall we?”

Ian reached inside the box and pulled out a basket almost as big as the box itself. Inside, the basket contained a few scallops, ten jumbo shrimp, and two steamed lobster tails.

“Wow! Sea food, and my favorite ones, too!” He turned around and gave his mom a big hug. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome, my dear.” She turned to Kip. “Now, your turn, Kip.”

“Okay,” he said. He pulled back his left sleeve and reached inside the box. “Come on, peanut butter and banana sandwiches,” he begged. He pulled out his hand only to get, “Milk?!”

“There’s more.” With that, he reached in again until and he got what he wanted.

“Awesome! Thanks Mom.”

“You’re quite welcome, sweetie.” Then she turned to Jill. “Your turn, sweetheart.”

“Okay, here I go.” She put her hand into the box and started fishing for her meal. After a while, she grew a little tense. “Where is it?” she wailed.

“It’s there,” Locke said. “You just have to look a little deeper.”

“Okay, if you say so.” She motioned her hand all along the inside of the box until finally, she got hold of something and hopped with delight. She pulled her hand out and she found herself holding, “HAMBURGERS!!” Ian and Kip fell on their backs in disbelief.

“You mean to tell me that you got all hyped up for a couple of burgers?” Ian asked while getting up again.

“Yep, but no, these aren’t just any burgers.”

“Oh, really?” questioned Kip.

“Yep. These are the ones that Mom made during the 4th of July.” Ian and Kip began to drool.

“You serious?” Ian asked.

“Of course, I’m serious,” she retorted, “and stop looking at my food that way. You have your own meals.” They both looked down at their food, and then at each other. “Don’t... even... THINK about it.” They both fell on their backs again and sighed.

“You jealous?”

“Me?” asked Ian. “Nah. I have my lobster to satisfy me. And you?”

“I’m perfectly content with my P.B. & B.,” he said half-reassuringly.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Jill said, “because I was JUUUUST about to share a piece with the both of you.
But since you both are ’content’ with what you have, I guess it’s just more for me.”

now back to the blog...

And with that she shrugged all of her guilt off and proceeded to eat her burgers. Her brothers gave her one last look before giving up and started to eat their food.

“You sure about leaving them alone on Eros?” Their father looked at all three, which all of them proceeded to quibble, and said, “Yep. Totally sure.”

“Whatever you say, honey.” Their children now are throwing their food at each other playfully.

“What-eeever you say.”


The sky proceeded to get darker by the minute. People were beginning to get ready to leave and Ian’s family were also getting ready to go.

“You got everything, sweetie?” asked Kathie.

“Yeah, Mom,” Kip responded. “I got all the things, I think.”

“Okay, then,” said their father. “Let’s go home, then.”

Just as they were beginning to leave, they heard a deafening scream come from behind them.

They quickly turned around to see where it was coming from.

They saw people with scared faces and were running around in confusion.

They were as if they had seen a ghost.

Then Ian and his family turned their attention to what was behind the frantic people...

....They were, in fact, ghosts..... from the past....

To Be Continued


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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