Tenchi Muyo! Fan-fic Prologue

Hot spring scene with Mayuka and other characters from Tenchi Muyo!

No Need For A Different Story
Tenchi Muyo! Fan-fic

Written by Guy the Manager


This fic should be either at www.riafunk.com or www.riafunk.blog. If not, then someone must have moved this fic onto a site which I have no clue of. If I do find out, then I will have to send in Meta-Guy after you and burn you with his laser eyes.

Okay, I understand that many people will ridicule this fic for many reasons. One of which is because this is my first. I will try to go a little slow since that seems to be the biggest problem with many fics. They always rush through the story with loose ends in the end.

I will try my best here, and I don’t mind if this fic is MSTed left and right. This is not an invitation to MST it. All I’m saying is that I won’t mind if you do.

And also note that this is not a full-blown Lemon. At least, I HOPE that it won’t turn into one.


Well, I got to do the legal stuff now.


Characters from Tenchi Muyo! are owned by AIC and Pioneer.

Bic and Clover Wei own Sailor Moon.

Don’t sue me because this is for entertainment purposes only and is a non-for-profit thingy. (It means that I’m not making money out of this.)

Well, with all of that aside, enjoy this fic. ^_^


(Okay, is it ready?)


(Alright, then. *Ahem*)

Hello. My name is Ian (pronounced E-an), and I am 23 years old.

I have decided to document my entire life story here in my friend’s lab.

I am doing this since I believe that this should be heard by everyone, including my sis, wherever she is.

I must warn you, even though I am young, I have faced a lot, from hostile aliens, beautiful princesses, a crying planet, and a whole lot of trouble.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, so I recommend to you to just sit back, relax, open up a Bud, and enjoy...

*some whispering*


*more whispering*

(Oh yeah.)

I almost forgot. My friend told me to tell you that even though you are hearing this, you must not say ANYTHING about these accounts.

I have chosen a select few to hear this, and I trust these people dearly.

*lowers voice*

So try to keep this hush hush, okay?


Okay, let’s begin with me and my family.

I was born on the Moon, October 21, 2275. I have black hair, light-green eyes, and a very gifted mind. I had the ability to learn things quickly, that is, if I wanted to learn.

(*cough cough, Ahem*)

Moving along. My father, Locke, was a successful business man who was responsible for making the first business transaction between Earth and the Moon. He has deep blood-red hair and matching eyes.

My mother, Kathie, was a beautiful woman who knew how to cook, but I mean REALLY COOK!

(*OW!* Why’d you do that for?)


(Hey, you cook really good, too.)

now back to the blog...

Like I was saying, my mother was a little shorter than my dad, and she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

My brother, Kip, who was born 3 years before me, was always the oddball of the family. A week never goes by without him doing a single stupid act, like, for say, taking the hover-car without permission and crash it in our neighbor’s yard! (U_U)

We never actually talked a lot, but then again, we never argued a lot, either, and my parents never complained about that. He was about a few inches taller than me, and had black hair with brown eyes.

And finally, my beloved sister, Gillian. She was born 1 year after me, but she was very smart for her age. She could solve 28-step equations in less than 2 minutes! I can’t do it that fast, even with my powerful brain!

She was quite shy, and a completely meek at times, but she always opened up to me with problems she could not solve on her own, like school, friends, and that such. She was just about as tall as me, give or take a few centimeters, with blue hair and aqua-colored eyes.


I wish I could see you again, Jill.

Now, about the world where I came from.

It was quite a peaceful time to be, most of the time.

We had found out a way to travel at speeds exceeding the speed of light without turning into pure energy and increase in mass. (I know only two people who would understand what I just said, but for the rest of you, just smile and nod.)

This let us go to planets we couldn’t see, even with our most powerful telescopes, in less than 3 weeks. With this type of speed, going to places like the Moon was affordable and quite a tourist attraction. In fact, it’s also a hot-spot for retirement. Think of it as a second Florida, but without all the political mumbo jumbo.

Of course, with so many people wanting to go to the Moon, and the frequency of travel there, it had caught the eyes of many important groups of people, like scientists, who were able to conduct many important experiments, such as artificial atmospheres, the process which only interests science buffs.

So, now that the Moon has an atmosphere, and now that we can go there as much as we please, it became especially attractive to military officials, more specifically the U.S. Armed Forces. This explains the not-so-tranquil atmosphere.

You see, about 30 years before I was born, we had found actual life on other planets, or should I say, they found us. A radio signal was picked up by a Japanese satellite that was later traced to the origin, Mars!

The message was clear and shocking: “We have come to take your planet!”

now back to the blog...

Now, you may be wondering, “Why was that message in English?” Well, I don’t know the answer, and neither did the government. And by this time, the government was straight, but some have speculated that the Martians were able to pick up some of our radio waves and deciphered the language. Which also explains the method of sending the message.

Well, the human race was in chaos.

Military armed forces across the Solar System were in a frantic hurry to build up against the opposing force to come. As I’ve read in history books, most nations would band together to fight an enemy that threatens them both, and create a temporary treaty. Well, to put it quite frankly, veni vidi...... but not vici!!

The war was like no other. People were dying left and right, and we were becoming out-numbered 15:1!

So Congress passed the 29th Amendment, which was nicknamed the “minor mercenary” amendment, for the obvious reason. The military was able to draft people as young as 14 into the army, only if the nation was in deep S***. Pardon the expression, but that’s what it roughly translates to.

This was probably the smartest move the nation made, since teenagers tend to be energetic, ambitious, cocky, and down-right fearless. The perfect soldier at the time.

Of course, there were protesters and junk, but most of them became casualties of war since they rioted next to the military bases, so I read.

By 2249, we were gaining the upper hand. So in a last-ditch effort, the Martians stared taking over space colonies near the Earth and, make them dance?!?

I’m still not sure why they did this, but I guess they were bored and wanted to go out in a bang.

I’m not totally clear as to what happened. But I’ve read and saw of a news broadcaster, whose name I can’t remember, that single-handedly, and -footed, out-danced those Martians and was named “Queen of Space Channel 5”.

Hmm, now that I talk about it, I think I remember her more vividly...

Ooh la la!

(*OW!* Would you stop that?)


(Of course I still love you. She was just an idle to me... uhh, let me go on with this, okay?)

Speaking of which, the music of this time is very different than one would expect it to be.

Most might think that it’s all techno or rave or trance. But the fact is, pop music is, or will be, whichever you want to look at it, the biggest, most common type of music on the future Earth!

Due to the technology that we have, we were able to bring back some of the most popular pop-groups and singers in history: SMiLE.dk, Madonna, Naoki, Me & My, Captain Jack, E-Rotic, etc.

Since most of the resurrected singers were from a popular game from Old Japan, Konami had decided to return with a newer version of the game.

It flopped horribly, due to the fact that it was very complicated. But it later went back to the simple 4-arrow style. The game was then a smash-hit, and all who had their songs in the game became instant stars.

now back to the blog...

Err, back to the main subject.

Well, in the end, the Martians gave up, for the time being, and went back to their planet, but not before giving this message:

“We will return, you follicle-covered, carbon-based cytoplasms.”


(What’s so funny?)


(That’s what it meant?!? Oh, *Ahem*)

“So, they said that they would be back again, eh? Well, we will be ready for them next time, and they might not be so lucky as to survive!” end quote, Russian leader Victor Rizwick 2196-????.

Yes, we were all “preparing” for the next invasion, and yes, we were all still “together” to fight them some other day.

And since we were all “good friends,” we decided to give our information to our “friends” so that we can all work “together.”


But, alas, with all this information, our “friends” decide to use our techniques against us.

But (hehe), we seemed to have forgotten to give a few minor details, and, well, let’s just say that we never heard from them again.

Of course, I don’t mean to imply that ALL our partners are idiots.

We actually had a few good neighbors: Japan, England, Mexico, Canada... No, wait... I think we bombed Canada...

Anyways, we have created a few nifty gadgets.

Most were conventional: Fusion Powered Everything, Hyper-Speed Com-Links, Anti-Gravity Rooms, etc.

And there were the not-so-great items: Ionic Forks, Anti-Gravity Boots (my dad bought me a pair, and I think they are near Neptune now), and the such. But hey, just because we are advanced doesn’t mean we don’t get bored.

Anywho, I guess you got the basic idea of my world, so, without further ado, the epic story of my life.


(What do you mean we are gonna run out of vi.. *static* .. end video...... BAKA!!! ..... end audio.)


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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