One year anniversary of RIA!!!

A single slice of strawberry, vanilla and chocolate flavored cake.

DJ Wang has this to say:

Today was a pretty good day.

We threw a lot of stuff at the roof of the school. Including a stick of butter (GO JRFXtreme!), cream cheese (Super Fly), pizza crusts (DJ Benny), and a carrot stick.

It all lodged into the butter and is now stuck on the roof of the overhang... man that thing will be funny when it starts to drip.

On an unrelated note this is the OFFICIAL one year anniversary of RIA!!!

We made it!

This isn’t the first year of the website though. That will be at the date under the counter to your left.

Also, if you get a chance rent the movie Breakin’.

It’s a movie about break dancing. It’s really funny.

There is a large black man with a huge d*ng that is like everywhere!

And you might see some people... before they were stars and went into a coked out madness wife beating frenzy.

And that’s just like 2 of them!

Go rent Breakin’.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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