The war effort is going strong.

A photo of the silhouettes of soldiers walking while wearing a lot of gear.

DJ Hadoken has this to say:

The war effort is going strong.

Many faithful Riaopians have enlisted.

But we still need more volunteers!

The movement has begun, my friends.

Over the weekend we obtained vital information concerning Middle-earth.

We have learned of a war song that is being sung by the Hobbits. Apparently, Frodo has influenced them and they have grown a war-like feeling towards Humans. They believe that because of RIA, all Humans must be traitors.

This war song is being sung against us.

To build our own morale, I have composed a RIA War Song based on the Hobbit War Song.

Read it!

Read it and understand the importance of enlisting!

And then enlist after you read it!


That’s all.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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