The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Review

A movie poster featuring Gandalf, Frodo, Aragorn, Arwen, Legolas, Saruman, Sam, and Gollum.

DJ Benvenuto the "always thinking" Raccoon has this to say:

Well, it has been a decent while since my last update.

Sure seems like I’m getting lazier and lazier. Well, sorry.

As evidenced by my last update, I did in fact mess up my car, but I managed to get it fixed already. I got some nice new rims along with a big hole in my wallet.

Well, I won’t bore you with stories.

Instead, I’ll bore you with a few movie reviews.

I’ll once again don the role of the official RIA movie critic. Sure, people may not like critics but... damn it, I’m bored.

I’ll start off with The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Simply put, it’s a nerd’s wet dream.

It is a very good movie.

Elijah Wood nails Frodo once again. ELIJAH WOOD!!!

Has anybody noticed this month’s YM magazine cover? He’s on it... kinda freaky... all those avid adventure seekers will be first-person dirty deeding it to a hobbit. Anyway, back to the movie...

The acting is well done, all around.

The scenery, cinematography and effects are all just simply beautiful. The opening scene alone will make you pleasurably explode on your neighbor’s face.

Damn, I’m being a bit vulgar today. I apologize.

As for Gollum, he stole the show. Even though he was a CG character, he was done so well that he pretty much blends right in. Jar Jar Binks may come to mind, but trust me, Gollum bear-hugs Jar Jar ten times over until he bleeds all over George Lucas’s face.

The fight scenes (including, but not limited to, the awesome Helm’s Deep) were all superb.

Overall, a great movie.

Worth seeing for anybody that has the slightest interest in sci-fi or fantasy.

Oh, but make sure to see the first one, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring... first.

Images of YM magazine covers featuring Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom.
Fan art submitted by DJ Hadoken 7


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