Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (2001) Review

A promo image of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter featuring characters played by Phil Caracas, Jeff Moffet, Maria Moulton and others.

DJ Benvenuto the "Vampire Hunting" Raccoon has this to say:

For those of you that may not know...

I just never got around to mentioning it on the website. I cut my hair. But I think I'm gonna grow it back. At least to a certain degree.

Ok, enough old news. Let's get on with it.

I wrote a quick little review for Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. I even submitted it to Amazon (my big break). Ha, yeah right.

Oh well, here it is.

At first glance, you have to admit that the concept of this movie is hilarious. Jesus Christ? Fighting vampires? With Mexican wrestling hero Santos? Defending lesbians? It really does sound great.

However, the key to enjoying this movie is not expecting too much from it. It was cheesy on purpose and they pulled it off pretty well. Once you get past a somewhat slow beginning (and a somewhat poor audio and video quality) and into the fighting scenes, that's when the real fun begins.

The park fighting scene and especially the junkyard fighting scene are both horrible. In that it's so horrible it's funny kind of way. The acting isn't very good, but once again, as long as you don't take it seriously, it only adds to the humor of the movie.

Also, make sure to watch this movie with a group of people. As with any bad movie, it's always more fun to watch it with a group of friends. Heckling and even laughing is always better with others.

This movie never takes itself seriously so, don't take it seriously. Laugh at the bad acting, laugh at the errors and laugh at the bad fight scenes. Just laugh, you'll enjoy it.

Don't pick it apart, unless you intend to well... hmm... what was it? Oh yeah, laugh about it.

If there's one thing that'll stay in your head, it's the song "Everybody Gets Laid Tonight" (by The Hammerheads).

God, that song is catchy. Pun intended.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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