Mad Shout Outs & Props

The black silhouettes of a group of people jumping excitedly into the air with an orange sun and shadowy sky behind them.

DJ Benvenuto the "I’m here, really I’m not dead" Raccoon has this to say:

Well, it sure has been a long time since my last update. Months... several months.

Well, many things have gone on in those months since my last update. Many, many things.

But I won’t delve too far into them. The important part is that I’m updating and good ’ol DJ Hadoken worked his little virginal (I hope) rear-end on this website and he deserves major praise.

Good job, man.

I’ll try and do what I can to help you out. At the very least, I’ll try and update The Funk pretty regularly.

I don’t have too much to say... hnnn... Halloween is approaching rapidly. Make sure to get your costumes ready. Remember, skin is in.

What else? Not much really. Have you guys heard about El Chorizo Verde? I met him last Friday. He’s related to our buddy El Gran Salchichon. So hopefully Salchi will introduce us to him.

I told some of the Poss members that I would mention them in my next Funk update and here I go.

Mad shout outs & props to RockRanger and BlindPanzer, they’re way cooler than those lame G.I. Joe twins Tomax and Xamot... they sure were lame. Oh, and mad props to my homes Boogus. Keep reaching for that rainbow... stars.. or whatever it is that Booguses reach for.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. I’m gonna go beat up bears now.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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