People dressed as zombies trying to break through a closed door.

DJ Zombenny has this to say:

Well all this talk of this board being dead and then the zombies gave me an idea. Why not try something that I haven’t done in quite a while. I’ve always enjoyed doing this kind of post and they seem to provide some sort of fun.

Well on to my point... for those of you that have been here... “a long time” you’ll remember it and for the rest I’ll explain.

I’m gonna start out a story and stop after a few sentences. Then whoever wants can continue it and write a few more sentences but not too many. Then the next person will continue with a couple more and so on and so on until we have a decent length story.

Sound good? Of course it does. The crazier the better, so here I go.

Zomboner was not in a good mood. He needed to go for a walk. It would help him cool down. So he decided to go to the “Mortuary” which was the local Zombie club. On his way there he.....

So anyone is free to continue this but leave it open ended so we can keep it going.

PLEASE POST... anyone.. Zomboner needs you.

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DJ Zomdoken continues the story:
Before Zomboner “awose” from the grave he called up the beautiful zommaiden, Zombetty, and asked her to go with him.....

Super Fly the Wise Guy continues the story:
Zombetty said that she couldn’t go, because she had to wash her zombie hair. Zomboner didn’t take that as an answer, so he just asked her again to go with him. She pondered a few minutes and then....


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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