The frightening thing is that there are more than one of these... |
Here are some pics from the trip
The Woodsman and DJ Hadoken took to Japan in
The fear of death is waiting for you... |
We found some very interesting signs...
This one speaks for itself...
Should we be offended? |
This one was just an apparel shop, apparently.
now back to the blog...
now back to the blog...
Here’s a normal picture for you all. |
That’s me (DJ Hadoken) in the middle there, The Woodsman to the
Behind me is my host dad, and in front of me in the blue shirt is my host
We went camping one weekend with two other families and their kids.
Yet another group picture the same weekend of the camp. |
My host mom there to the right.
Host brother is in the front left with my host dad ducking behind him. =P
Much fun.
The Woodsman and I also cooked dinner for my host family once. |
They wanted American food so we made them meatloaf and
mashed potatoes.
Haha. 2 pounds of beef, oh yes.
I’m not doing the peace sign in this picture... |
...only because I was doing the dishes.
The Woodsman is wearing the official RIA logo shirt and representin’ us proudly!
There are many, many more pics but they must all be
developed first...
So that’s about all for now!
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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