It's Hard Being the General of the Otran Empire: 4

A photo of two women in shackles.

It’s Hard Being the General of the Otran Empire
Original War Fiction

Written by Kewl Kat
(a.k.a. Southern Cowboy)

Chapter 4

The next morning, he got up, got dress with his black military uniform and said to his wife as he was leaving, “Karina, don’t go to Victory Square today.”

“Yes, Alex,” she answered.

He kissed her and left the house.

A black bullet-proof sport utility vehicle was waiting for him. He got in and the car drove away. Inside sitting were two of his top aides, he looked at them and said:

“What is the situation with the hi-jacked boat?”

“General, a family of 5 and family of 4 were only survivors out of 60 people that were in the boat and they are presently at the Tyaska Castle,” the aid reported.

“Bring them to Victory Square and we will execute them also,” he said.

One of the aides got courage to give a suggestion to the General and said:

“Sir, I would advise against it because there is total of five kids in total combining both families and executing the kids in public could destroy your image with your people.”

The General though for a second and said:

“Fine, tell the Lighting Guards to prepare the adults for execution and I want the kids to be sent to the labor camps in the Yuda region.”

“Yes, sir, I will relay the orders,” he said.

Yuda Region was a mountainous region in the Northeast part of the Empire. The region enjoyed all year around below zero freezing temperatures.

All the labor camps of the Empire were located in this region or in the mosquito infested region Varada. The lifetime expectancy in these camps was within three weeks to five months.

The car drove through the crowded city streets. The city streets were decorated with posters of the Leader and the flag of the Otran Empire. The balconies of the houses proudly displayed their Otran Empire flag.

The black SUV stopped a couple blocks before the Victory Square. The General exited and walked towards the Victory Square. As he walked towards the platform where the execution would take place, a couple of his other military aids and ministers joined him.

He walked up the steps of the platform and stood in the center of the platform. As soon as the people saw him, they started to cheer him.

In the front row, five regimens of the Otran Youth were standing. They wore blue uniforms with an armband of the flag of the empire in their right arm.

The Otran Youth was composed of boys and girls from the age seven to sixteen. At the age of seventeen boys joined the Otran Empire and the girls joined the Women Defense for the Otran Empire.

Behind him in the Travada Palace walls hung the Otran Empire Flag and the posters of the General. Also there was gallow that was guarded by five Lighting Palace Guards.

The General stood in front of the microphones set-up in the platform and said:

“Traitors to the Motherland will not be tolerated, anybody that wants to betray our glorious Empire shall die, dusch!”

The crowd started cheering and clapping.

“So any would-be traitors can see what happen to them when they betray their Motherland, we are going execute a traitor to the Motherland,” he told the public.

The crowd once again cheered in approval. The Lighting Guards came walking with the girl toward the platform.

As she walked the Guards kicked her in the butt and people in the crowd spat at her and threw tomatoes at her. The Lighting Guards had stripped her from her clothes when they were preparing her to die.

She was naked as she stood in the presence of the General. The General spat at her and order the Lighting Guards to put the noose around her neck. The Guards grabbed her and put the noose around her neck.

The General ordered the noose to be tighter. The girl was gasping for air, as the General ordered the rope to be tighter and then to pull the rope even tighter and then to let it go.

As the rope was let go, the noose became tighter and she struggle for grasp for air for a couple seconds and then she died. As a Lighting Guard pronounced her dead, the people in the crowd started to cheer again.

The General left the platform in hurry and returned to his SUV and told the driver to take him to the Tyaska Castle.

now back to the blog...

Tyaska Castle walls gloomed on the distance as the black SUV quickly approached it. The SUV stopped by the main entrance and the General got out.

He walked in and the smell of the ocean filled air. In the distance a couple gunshots could be heard.

The captain of the Lighting Guards was waiting for him.

“General, how you doing?” the Captain said.

“Good, where are the hijackers?” he asked.

“In the dungeons, sir,” he answered.

“Take me there,” the General said.

The Captain walked towards a staircase and the General followed him.

The smell of rotten flesh and smelly bodies contaminated the air.

The dungeons were dark and musky. There wasn’t any noise in there except for the waves crashing against outside walls and the people screaming in pain as they were torture.

There were 55 dead bodies thrown in a room stacked in top of each other, near the entrance of the dungeons. People were shackle against the wall in room were sea water penetrated through a small opening in one of the walls.

There were around 105 people in each room. As they saw him passed by people screamed obscenities at him but the Guards quickly suppress those people by kicking them and applying electric tasers.

They walked to the end of the dungeons and there was an isolate room that was lightens. Outside guarding it was two Lighting Guards. They entered and inside shackled to the wall sitting on pool of blood was two women and two men.

The Captain ordered the Lighting Guards to unshackle them and take them out. People were naked and they were all bruised and their hair was all burned. The women were screaming, "Where is my child?"

The General kicked one of them in the stomach and told the rest to shut up.

The Guards took the people out and the Captain walked to a small door and got out. The General with the Guards followed him.

In a new set of dungeons, there was a room with a shower and pipes. The Captain ordered the people inside; the Guards threw them inside and locked the door.

The Captain pressed a button in a small computer screen and opened the shower inside.

The General looked at the Captain and asked, “What gas are you using?”

“Mustard gas, sir. They should be dead in a couple of minutes,” he said.

“That is good,” the General answered with a smile.

Screams coming from inside were heard for a couple minutes and then the room became silent.

One of the Guards shut off the gas shower and opened the door. Inside, on the floor were piled up four dead bodies.

The General left and headed back to his SUV.


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