It's Hard Being the General of the Otran Empire: 6

A satellite image of a large hurricane.

It’s Hard Being the General of the Otran Empire
Original War Fiction

Written by Kewl Kat
(a.k.a. Southern Cowboy)

Chapter 6

As his car drove away from the school, his cell phone rang.

“Yes, what is the situation?”

“Sir, there is a hurricane that is headed for the port-city of Wdaska,” a voice said in the other end.

“Oh, sh*t I’m headed for National Meteorological Institute, put the city in high alert,” he responded and hanged up.

The General told his driver to take him to the National Meteorological Institute near the Tyaska Castle.

Wdaska was the second busiest port in the Otran Empire behind Brudaya, the capital city.

The city was home to around 2 million people. It was second most import cultural center in Hada providence. Most of the fruits and minerals were exported through this port. There were also oil refineries near the port. The economy of the Empire depended on this city.

Time later, the SUV stopped in front of the National Meteorological Institute.

The National Meteorological Institute was located in Look-Out Mountain the highest point in the city near Tydaska Castle. There were radars and radio signals around the building.

The meteorological center was an old fortress converted to civilian purpose. In the north side, there were four runways with a control tower. Near the runways there were hangars that housed the L-530 storm chasers and K-24 storm observers.

The General got out of his SUV saluted the two guards at the entrance and walked in.

As he entered, he was greeted by Dr. Van Dan Hotta, the head in charge of the meteorological center.

“General, the storm is bigger than we original though, sir,” he told him.

“Dr. Hotta, show me the satellite image,” the General told him.

“Yes, right away sir..”

Dr. Hotta walked to a computer and typed up something in the computer and a satellite image of the hurricane over Rulaska Sea appeared.

The doctor explained to the General that there was only warm sea ahead of the storm until it hit Wdaska. That warm sea would only strengthen the powerful storm.

The winds were around 165 mph but the doctor said he expected to be around 235 mph or even more when it hit the land.

“Doctor, do we have a name for this storm?” he asked.

“Alan,” the doctor answered.

The General took off his hat, scratched his head and though for a couple minutes and said, “Have the L-530 Ladanka Storm Hunters flown into the storm?”

“No sir,” he said.

“Dr. Hotta, I didn’t invest 25.5 millions of Rula from the empire treasure chest for each aircraft and the research technology inside to not to be flown into the storm!” the General said angrily.

“General, I don’t think we should, we should wait until after it makes landfall,” the doctor said, shaking.

“Are you willing to risk the lives of an entire city because of incompetent decision making of not ordering the Storm Chasers into the storm while is still in the water?” the General screamed at him.

“No sir,” the doctor said shaking.

The General slammed his fist down onto a table and exclaimed:

“Then order the damn planes into the storm and issue a hurricane warning for the city! And issue an order for immediate evacuation!”

“Yes sir,” the doctor responded.

The doctor ran out of the main room to organize the crews and order the hurricane warning and issue evacuation order.

The General walked out of the main lobby into the nerve center of the meteorological center. There were people running from one computer station to another with reports of Hurricane Alan.

In the main video screen in the room there was video showing the cloud formation around the eye of hurricane and the movement of the storm.

Time later, Dr. Hotta came back with the airplane crews of 15 people. The first crew was for the L-530 nicknamed Destroyer and the second crew was for the L-530 nicknamed The Pelican.

The General looked at the crew that was dress in red uniforms and visibly scared and said:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, you are about to take part in a mission that you be putting your life in risk in an effort to save your countrymen from an incoming storm. You are the best of the best in your profession so I know you are ready to serve the Motherland. May Duna and Yana protect you during your missions.”

“We are honor to the serve the Motherland, sir,” the crew responded.

now back to the blog...

The doctor told the crews to mount the planes. Minutes later in the video screen popped up a picture of the run-way 7 and 15 with the two turbo-propelled L-530 storm chasers.

Time later, the planes slowly rolled off the runway and took off into the dark-skies.

The General looked at the doctor and said, “Inform me of any developments.”

“Yes sir,” the doctor replied.

“One more thing, when is this storm supposed to make landfall?” he asked.

“By the end of the week,” the doctor answered.

The General didn’t answer back. He just walked out.

Park outside the Meteorological Institute was the General’s Black SUV accompanied by two black cars.

As the General entered, he told the driver to take him to the XWKR (Otran Empire TV).

As the caravan towards XWKR TV station, the General observed out of his window as the rough sea crashed against the old limestone and coquina seawall.

The seas were getting rougher there were waves crashing against small sail vessels in the bay and he also noticed the wind blowing the Palm Trees side to side.

Even inside the Bay Tunnel, the sound of the waves crashing could be heard.

The Hurricane coming toward the Empire was something like never seen before.

There hadn’t been a storm this bad in 56 years.

The last storm that powerful that made landfall in the Empire was in 1968 during the reign of the Emperor Rada XV.

To Be Continued


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