glowsticks, hamsters, and music videos

A close-up photo of some glowsticks in a puddle on the ground of an alley.

The Funk Mistress has this to say:

I have wonderful news!

I have completed the new Funk Mistress Music Video! It is a treat for the senses! A wonderful adventure for the mind! A pleasurable explosion of epic proportions for your crotch! Your eyes will explode, then quickly heal themselves in the hopes that you will let them watch again! Good gosh it’s beautiful.

Okay, that was all a lie.

I mean, it will be that awesome when it’s finished. Just right now it’s, well... not. I just couldn’t bear to admit that I haven’t even started. But the guilt of lying to all of you was too much to bear so I have confessed.

Heck, as long as we’re being honest, I might as well tell you that it wasn’t even my fault.

On Friday we went to see Transporter 2 (which, in my opinion, had far too few shirtless Jason Statham scenes) so I couldn’t get the pics I needed then. And on Saturday night there were no antics, so I couldn’t get pics then either.

Here. I made this to make up for the delay.
It is a tribute to one of my very favorite things ever.

An image of The Funk Mistress and lots of glowsticks.

Note the goofy grin. I am not kidding you, I really love glowsticks. I would trade my hamster-son Fred in for a handful of glowsticks, no questions asked.

Well, except for the question, “Dude, how many glowsticks can I get for this hamster?”


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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