Sorpapilympics 2008

An image of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics logo.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis has this to say:

Intaktu malpranakma, everyone.

Just wanted to let you all know that I spoke with Sorpaculips yesterday.

He told me that he has a lot of plans now that he’s been released from the comet Tempel 1.

He told me he plans on taking a vacation to Earth from Sorpaculopolis so that he can watch the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing with his eye of Sorpapica.

If he feels like he must, he will descend upon the Olympics himself to take part in the basketball tournament against all the lamester humans.

And then he says he will officially change the name of the games to the Sorpapilympics, as it was in the ancient times before RIA.

Here is a picture he sent to me of him relaxing in China, during a previous vacation he took there.

An image of RIAfunk's original character, Sorpaculips, on vacation and relaxing with his hands raised.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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