Do you want to take a hot shower at my house?

A photo of a shower head and running shower water.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) has this to say:

Finally, we get to my last point of discussion.

I’ve already talked about it but I thought I’d mention something that I did not in that post.

Hurricane Wilma knocked out many people’s power. No power means no hot water and no hot water means cold showers.

If I’m not mistaken, the last few people that still didn’t have power were supposed to have it restored today. So that goes to show you how long it’s taken to get things back up.

So some people had power and others didn’t and what ended up happening is that the people with power would offer the people without power the opportunity to take a hot shower at their house. A noble gesture and I’m sure many took the offer without much hesitation, but when you remove the hurricane it just gets a bit weird.

Think about it.

Someone tells you that you can take a shower at their house if you want to. Even if it’s someone you know making that offer, it still is quite strange. They make the offer and you ask them why and they say they don’t have a reason, they just wanted to make the offer. They’re either really strange or just think you’re homeless.

If you want to confuse someone then make sure to do that.

Offer them a hot shower at your house for no reason. See what happens. You might get slapped or you might end up receiving a very puzzled look.

Alright, that’s all for now.

If you made it through all of that (and my last two posts) then I’m flattered because that’s a lot of nonsense you just read.

Keep sending Bear-Hugs and stay tuned for other updates.

I know we keep promising a lot but we never give firm dates so you just have to keep coming back. We don’t have as much spare time as we’d like and when we do we’re also a bit lazy.

But hey.

I’ve said that so many times on this website that I’m starting to sound like a broken record.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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