MIA 305 -
Song Lyrics
Written by DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis
Yo yo doing this Kewl Kat style
Representin’ MIA 305 786
Hey Santa give me a sandwich because I’m hungry
Yo I remember those times in the local high school
Beating up the entire chess team with an umbrella and a pen cap
With the Kat standing behind me yelling:
Yo Hadoken this is how we do it in MIA
How players become pimps
Because we do it our own way
Yeah I remember
that time we went to Hong Kong
Got drunk and had to pull DJ Benny out of jail
He was selling jade rice
to Hong Kong boys
And told them that he wanted to do the dirty deeds
Yeah, but I don’t care because I shout out to DJ Benny
And we kept our cowboy hats on until we made it to Ho Chi Minh City
I remember when we got drunk on the flight
We ate pizza rolls and cotton candy
No girls were allowed to sit with us
Because we wanted to keep them wondering
Because they wanted us even more when
They knew they couldn’t have us
And when Kewl Kat almost got kicked off the flight
Because he stuck his head out of the window to vomit
And then started shouting:
Yo Hadoken this is how we do it in MIA
How players become pimps
Because we do it our own way
But Ho Chi Minh and Hong Kong were nothing
Compared to the 305 MIA
I remember the local high school and that time
Kewl Kat let me borrow his go-kart
So I could wait in the bushes for
The president of the math club to come home
Yeah, then I came out of the bushes and crashed through
His door and ran him over
Then I drove away laughing and saw Kewl Kat
Standing on the side of the road
Eating a grilled cheese sandwich and smiling
Then he shouted:
Yo Hadoken this is how we do it in MIA
How players become pimps
Because we do it our own way
Yo Hadoken this is how we do it in MIA
How players become pimps
Because we do it our own way
Yo Hadoken this is how we do it in MIA
How players become pimps
Because we do it our own way
Top Reviews
Reviewed by DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat):
That is so true. So so true.
Reviewed by Zath:
you guys live life to the extreeeeeeeme
DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments with this:
DJ Hadoken, I got arrested again in Hong Kong. I need you to come get me. I’m posting this telepathically.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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