DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis has this to say:
That’s right, this website is now 5 years old.
Geez. 5 years of this nonsense and it only gets better.
Like DJ Benvenuto said, thanks to everyone who has helped out!!
And to all you haters and wankstas out there, you better watch out because Sorpaculips and/or Manchutrogular is going to impregnate you.
BlindPanzer has sent me his new movie, so once I get it converted I should be able to post it up. As for Climbing Arc, it’s progressing, but once again I’ve started a new quarter at school so progress will be a bit slower.
It’s pretty much roughed out from start to finish now, all that’s left is the special FX work and tweaking, so hopefully I’ll have that churned out in the next few months. Hopefully =D
DJ Benny has pretty much summed up everything that’s been going on in his last two posts so be sure to check out his posts here and here, so I won’t have to repeat everything he already said :D
He didn’t mention, though, that BlindPanzer has also filmed a short movie of his interpretation of the most pivotal moments of my life, starring me.
I personally am looking forward to that one, as you should be too. You should be personally looking forward to it.
Hopefully it will be done soon.
I know that’s what you are hoping too.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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