Spider-Man 3 News

A teaser poster for the movie "Spider-Man 3" showing Spider-Man wearing a black costume in the rain.

BlindPanzer has this to say:

Ok, I know we’ll get dumb comments from fanboys here (DJ Hadoken) but the first image of Spider-Man 3 has appeared online.

According to a good source, Spider-Man will have a black suit in the movie (at some point) and by the looks of the poster it will be a lot darker.

I’ll post more news as it comes in!

Top Comments

BlindPanzer comments:
According to some people, you can see Goblin in Spidey’s lens. I can sort of make out something but it might be a preconception I have since I know what to look for. Anyone else see it?

BlindPanzer comments again:
Ok it is now official that he is going to be wearing a black suit. This is NOT the symbiote suit. Don’t start hating just yet.

TornadoChaser comments:
A black suit? Somehow, this pleases me in a strange way.
Also, if it’s what’s in his eye, I expect it to have a pointy diamondy head ’cause that’s what I’m seeing.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
Rick Moranis should’ve played Peter Parker.

BlindPanzer responds:
Look I can make a nonsense reply too.

Spider-Man should have shoelaces...

Anonymous comments:
I agree. I’ve always hated that he didn’t.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:

But that was me in the previous post, so that would be a logical assumption. WoULdN’t It?


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