The cover of "The Absolute Sandman - Vol. 1", a graphic novel compilation by Neil Gaiman.

BlindPanzer has this to say:

So you’re sitting in your birthday suit in front of your computer trying to make sense of the vague title to this thread, when you start thinking:

“You know what? I’m not much of a comic book fan... but I wish I was.”

“It’s time I take a stand and start buying some worthy comics BEFORE they get made into movies, that way BlindPanzer doesn’t say that I’m only a mainstream comic book wannabe.”

“...but what can I buy?”

“Well there was a thread before about good comic books...”

“Good idea, voice in my head!”

“But all those comic books seem either too long in continuity or too political (i.e. boring).”
“I know!”

“Go on...”

“How about Sandman? It’s short (only 10 volumes) and it’s supposed to be really good. It’s written by that Neil Gaiman guy and that Dave McKean guy from MirrorMask does something in there too...”

“Great idea again, voice!”

“Gee thanks, now I don’t have to be a lamester!”


So now that you have realized that you have some clear mental issues and a devotion to being the coolest comic book connoisseur, how about spending a bit of that well earned cash on a limited edition, definitive version of the aforementioned work?

The Absolute Sandman

Now you might say, “HOLY SH*T, BlindPanzer! That’s $62!!!! I can get some mediocre-yet-enjoyable dirty deeds with that!”

Yes, you are right my friend, $62 can get you a lot of action. But think about it... You get the equivalent of 3 of the trade paperbacks (those run for $16 (so 16 x 3 is $48 ) )

So you are basically spending $12 for the definitive version of these comics that history so far has proven to be in the top heap of the genre. Not only are they printed on high quality paper, they are hard cover bound; they will last a long time.

They have also been recoloured (approved by Gaiman) to improve it overall.

Just check out the sample...

A page from the original Sandman Vol. 1.

A page from the Sandman Vol. 1 with new coloring.
(COLOURING if you are British...)

So I’m just giving you the heads up on this great version of an awesome comic book.

These are limited edition which means their value will only increase.

(Just look at Arkham Asylum... it’s only been one year and its price has already doubled since it’s not in circulation anymore).


now back to the blog...

Top Comments

The Funk Mistress comments:
Wow. Why don’t they do these things BEFORE I buy the entire 10 volumes...

Also, Gaiman AND McKean both worked on MirrorMask. Which is why I went to see it.

BlindPanzer responds:
I know... everything.

The Funk Mistress responds back:
Man, I knew there was gonna be something for that comment.

I wasn’t saying you didn’t know. I just wasn’t sure if you were saying, “Gaiman AND McKean worked on MirrorMask” or if you were saying, “Gaiman. And McKean worked on MirrorMask.”

I figured you knew. I was just clarifying for the masses.

Zath comments:
The Goon, The Goon!

BlindPanzer responds:
When I said I knew everything, I MEANT everything.

2 + 2 = 4 NOW WHISTLE!

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
Silence is golden.

Right AMC?

The Funk Mistress responds:
Silence is NOT golden in the bedroom. Then, it’s the louder the better.

BlindPanzer comments:
Ok, I realize that I’m partly to blame for the nonsense replies because I put a nonsense one as well. However, I hold that my replies were in the spirit of the original post and its nonsense. Sorry to be a lamester, but please stop the one on one at least on this thread. Thank you!

By the way, the release date on The Absolute Sandman vol. 1 is November. I forgot to mention that it will be collected in only 4 volumes and it will come with a nice slipsleeve that will snuggly fit all 4 volumes.

The Funk Mistress responds:
1 - I wasn’t doing the “ONE ON ONE” thing. Otherwise, I would have put “ONE ON ONE” at the end of it. That was a general perverse response. Since this forum went up (and also on the OLD forum) I have always posted perverse responses. I will agree though that I didn’t help the “nonsensical” response thing by replying nonsense to a nonsense reply. Oops, my bad.

2 - November? I wonder if Neil Gaiman planned that to coincide with his birthday.

Ok, pretty much completely on topic. The first was a response to one of your complaints and the second was in response to the original topic of the thread. Except for the last sentence. But c’mon, I wanted to add some humor.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
I never liked the Sandman villain from Spider-Man. I didn’t like his level much in the Game Gear game either.

Then there was that Sandman wrestler. I think DJ Firestarter liked him. I never was all that into wrestling.

There is also the classic Sandman. I never got him. His sand made you fall asleep? Kids will believe anything. Does the Sandman know Jack Frost? The Easter Bunny? What about the Tooth Fairy and the Boogeyman?

How could I forget those Sandman horror movies from the 90’s? I must admit I never watched them but I do remember them being promoted. They probably weren’t that good but like I said, I haven’t seen them so maybe they were masterpieces.

Last but not least, there’s my right arm. One of its nicknames is Sandman because if I land a hit on you with it or get you in a choke hold you’ll be in snoozing for 8 hours.

If I remember any more Sandmen I’ll be back.

The Funk Mistress responds:
All I can say is that I think the Sandman character that gave Gaiman the idea for his Sandman was kinda weak. I will be the first to admit that I never actually saw any of his appearances in detail, but from what I read and saw “weak” was the general idea he gave me. One of those characters that get created because the audience is sick of seeing the same old fights between the same old villains and heroes all the time.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
I can’t say I ever cared enough about the Spider-Man Sandman to get sick of him.

now back to the blog...

The Funk Mistress responds:
Typoed! Your sentence makes little sense.

In any case, I REALLY want to get that Sandman set. I have 5 months to get the money. Well, at least my brother told me he’d buy my old Sandman set for $10.00 a volume if I ended up getting the new set.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:


BlindPanzer responds:
A lot of good comic books have come from characters that were thought to be out of their prime.

The Green Arrow actually became cool during Kevin Smith’s run at it (let’s never speak of the absurdities he did with the Daredevil run Marvel gave him)

Comic book god Alan Moore revived Swamp Thing when it was on the verge of being cancelled.

Frank Miller took Batman into grittier territory and then 10 years later f’ed up the character by writing both DK2 and the All Star Batman and Robin comic.

I guess the best example would be Swamp Thing. It was a dumb story with a weak character and Alan Moore gave it the pathos and gravitas it needed.

The Funk Mistress responds back:
Yeah, but the thing that most comic revamps have in common is that, though there are huge changes, they remain very similar characters. You can see the leaps they made, where they started, and where they ended up.

Gaiman was revamping the character, decided he didn’t like it and wasn’t worth it, and scraped it all to create a whole new character independent and unrecognizable from the original.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
Who’s going to bring back those Little Debbie comics. I had a couple of those.

The Funk Mistress responds:
I used to buy Barbie comics at Walgreens for like a quarter. They were grossly overpriced.

And before anyone says anything about Barbie comics:
1 - I am a girl. Back then “Barbie + comics” just seemed right somehow.
2 - DJ Benny brought up LITTLE DEBBIE comics.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
Speaking of Barbie, what happened to that Barbie: Secret Agent Game Boy Advance game we found? DJ Firestarter beat it, I believe. It must’ve been good.

The Funk Mistress responds:
Man, stop crapping on the thread. I <3 The Sandman and I want to save this thread. For The Sandman’s sake.

I hate the white-haired pansy that replaced The Sandman. I won’t go into detail, those who’ve read will know what I’m talking about.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds back:
Look, I was talking about many Sandmen a few posts ago.

The Funk Mistress comments:
You can’t save up by overindulging in one post. There is no rollover posting on this board.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Hey. This thread evolved. That’s what they do or is this a LAMESTER forum?

BlindPanzer comments:
Keeping with the Swamp Thing character example, pre-Alan Moore, he kept trying to become human again but Moore said that it was that very fact that limited the character.

So what he did was that they performed an autopsy on him (of course, relating to the plot) after they shot him in the head and they found out he had a human exterior but had plant-like structure inside him, which meant that he is not human and never could become human.

He basically DID create a new character which was more flawed and 10x more badass.

Light a candle for Mr. Alan Moore tonight... he kicks ass.

The Funk Mistress responds:
But see, still recognizably Swamp Thing and the changes were written into the Swamp Thing storyline. Sandman was a whole new creation. I’m not saying either is better, in fact I’m in favor of both methods of character reworking.

And yes, Alan Moore is awesome.

Have you read any of Gaiman’s stuff outside of graphic novels? I’ve only read his books, “The Sandman: Book of Dreams” (a collection of short stories not about The Endless, but related to them) and “Smoke and Mirrors” (another collection of short stories).

Both were really good. But I haven’t read any of his full length novels.

now back to the blog...

BlindPanzer responds back:
No I haven’t read any of his novels. I’m not much of a fantasy person with books.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
Oh no.... don’t tell me Sandman is in the new Spider-Man movie.

The Funk Mistress comments:
The books aren’t fantasy in the “unicorns, wizards, and magical stardust” sense. The stories don’t even take place in the dream realm.

Rather, “The Sandman: Book of Dreams” is all stories that deal with people who long for something more and how that “dream” affects their lives in various ways; some are even about how the real world affects our fantasy lives (as in the case of a girl who has nightmares because her father molests her and the nightmares represent the destruction of her childhood).

It’s almost like a surreal character study.

I don’t remember much about “Smoke and Mirrors” other than really liking a great deal of the stories. But I didn’t always care for his poetry. But that was just because I thought the poetry removed the reader from the stories by breaking them up and pulling one out of the experience, not because they were bad.

In any case, I can see how the books are very different from the graphic novels and how you could be into one and not the other.

The Funk Mistress comments again:
Also, this is pretty much my favorite thread ever. I don’t usually have something to contribute to graphic novels / comic discussions because I got into them so late.

Same with music and movies - I didn’t start looking at them beyond their entertainment value until very recently and so I feel like what little I could add would be stupid next to everyone else’s stuff.

But I know enough about Gaiman to just squeeze by here.

(They were gonna make a Sandman movie once. The script is even online and I found it somewhere and read it. It wasn’t outstanding, but I did regret that it got put on the backburner and then cancelled. I heard a while back that some fans managed to revive the effort, but I haven’t heard anything since then. So I guess it didn’t do any good.)

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Awww, come on. Look at what DJ Hadoken and I contribute most of the time.

The Funk Mistress responds back:
Let me rephrase - something worthwhile to contribute that is actually on topic.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
On topic? What’s that?


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