The Break-Up (2006) Review

Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston in a bed on the movie poster for The Break-Up.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) has this to say:

Today is June sixth 2006.

I've been dreading this day for some time now.

Underworld Evolution came out on DVD today. That movie was pretty lousy. Luckily, it's just a DVD and I don't have to buy it if I don't want to.

I think Revelations said something about Underworld Evolution triggering the end times.

Enough of that though. It wasn't thaaaaaaat bad. It just wasn't good.

If you want to see a good movie go watch The Break-Up. The commercials say this movie is "for anyone that has ever been in a relationship, broken up from a relationship or considered being in a relationship".

Obviously, that means you and any other person that has ever lived. Why aren't you watching it? There is no way that you do not fit into that statement. It could not possibly be any more all-encompassing.

I admit that I already watched it. I couldn't say no to that commercial.

One word: riveting.

Jennifer Aniston does a great job of portraying Mikhail Gorbachev and Vince Vaughn shines just as brilliantly as President Ronald Reagan.

Just seeing Aniston with a shaved head and the trademark Gorbachev birthmark on her head was enough to make me think, Oscar. As soon as she had her first line I was convinced it was Gorbachev. This is definitely not Friends.

I'm sorry though. I'm sure there are some of you out there that don't know what the movie is about. I don't blame you. The commercials are really misleading. There has been a recent trend in movie advertising to try and disguise all of the potential Oscar winners as romantic comedies. I don't know why.

Perhaps they hope to get more couples to watch these kinds of movies. It doesn't really matter to me, though. I love the surprise. It reminds me of Christmas or a birthday. Great surprises.

What is it actually about then? It's about the fall of the Soviet Union. It focuses mainly on Reagan and Gorbachev and does so superbly. It gives you an insight into what happened that few movies could ever even begin to approach.

As for Vaughn, he stated himself that he doesn't look like Reagan at all but between make up and CG they managed to make Reagan come out of the grave and go into Vince Vaughn. One thing Vaughn needed absolutely no help with was the Reagan voice and demeanor. He nailed it.

When they show Vaughn give the "tear down this wall" speech I was awestruck. It was like I was there and I was watching Reagan himself. After that scene, they show the Berlin Wall coming down and there's a great part with Will Ferrell which I won't ruin for you, but suffice it to say, I cried.

There isn't much to say about the story itself.

If you know even a little bit of history you know more or less what happens in this movie. Knowing what happens doesn't matter though because this movie is not about plot twists and big action scenes. This is a story of humanity and it is marvelously brought to life by two excellent actors, Aniston and Vaughn.

If somebody would have told me a year ago that Jennifer Aniston will not only be in a movie as Mikhail Gorbachev but excel and guarantee her place in the history of film I would have called them insane, but I'm glad that I was wrong.

Peyton Reed who is the director must also be praised because it's quite evident how much work he put into this masterpiece.

This movie will be a staple in history classrooms for years to come. Go see this.

You will not only learn about an important period in our history but you will become interested.

By the end of the movie you feel for both Reagan and Gorbachev and the millions of people caught in-between.

If you're reading this then there's a good chance you were one of those millions that was caught in-between all of the turmoil.

Best Picture? Quite possibly.

Sorry. Not quite a "real" update but sometimes I just gotta post something.

Just so people can't say the website is dead.

More coming soon.


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