DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis has this to say:
Climbing Arc Episode 2 and NVMM+NVSE (Necromancer vs The Moon Men + Necromancer vs The Star-Eaters) will no longer be produced as films and instead will be produced together as radio dramas.
Unfortunately, it is too difficult to coordinate the original group, since we all have different schedules and do not live close enough to film an actual movie. It’s not worth it to kill the projects either, since I have had the NVMM+NVSE script written and complete for over a year now.
Climbing Arc Episode 2 will stay true to its anime-inspired roots and continue the story of Raphael Thunderleaf and Mason Wolfglider.
Watch this thread and the Climbing Arc Ep. 2 info page for more details and project recruitment.
Click here to check out Climbing Arc Episode 1.
Top Comments
BlindPanzer comments:
A radio drama. That sounds like a cool idea!

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
Finally, a chance to use those coconuts I have to make that clip-clop hoofbeat sound effect.
RockRanger comments:
Maybe you can do a running joke of someone opening a closet door and stuff falling down. PURE GENIUS.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis responds:
It’ll be all that and more.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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