D.A.N. Destroy All Neanderthal: 6

A close-up photo of a large tree and its roots.

Destroy All Neanderthal
Original Prehistoric Fiction

Written by Zath
Edited by DJ Hadoken 7

Episode 6

The exiled king of the Humans, Kain, tried to remember the instructions he received from that mysterious apparition that resembled a bearded old man.

“You must travel to where four rivers flow out.
They do not behave as most rivers do.”

He traveled south to where the bearded old man said the first river should be. It took him days of walking but he reached a place that looked as what the bearded old man had described.

Kain thought to himself, “This river is odd. There are no mountains to the east or to the west...”

He did not know what direction to go for he did not know where the river was coming from or where it ended. So he waited until nightfall because he remembered what the bearded old man said to him next.

“In the night sky there are four stars which form a cross.
The long end of the cross points north, which is actually the true south.
At midnight the place will be underneath this.”

Kain saw the cross and by morning he started walking towards where it was. 

He followed the river and it started to grow dark. There was a twinkling orange flame that lit up the area. And behind the flame a blue beam of light cut into the sky.

He walked up to the light. And as he stared, he tried to make out what was behind the orange flame. 

There was a gate. And in front of that gate was a winged entity, and the orange flame was from the sword it held in front of itself.

It was a disproportionately big sword. Somewhat longer than a normal sword and six times as wide.

“You may not pass. This is forbidden ground,” the winged entity said.

Kain was confused. He then noticed that the area he was in was of the fabled place. The place referred to as The Fabled Land of Old.

There were trees of all sorts never seen or heard of before. Animals of all sorts.

“What are you?” he asked the winged entity.

“A winged servant of the great creator who lives in the sky.”

Suddenly, Kain felt this winged entity could not be trusted. “Of Mordica you’re not, for Mordica resides on Earth.”

The winged entity calmly stared at Kain and responded, “The one you call lord Mordica is a false creator who tricked you and your mother and father long ago.”

“Let me through!” Kain demanded.

The winged entity readied itself for battle and said to Kain, “The only way you can go through is if you let yourself through.”

Kain took out his short spear and prepared to lunge. “Come on! You want a piece of this? You overgrown pigeon! I've cut down Neanderthals with more eggs than you!” Kain growled.

The winged entity raised its sword and Kain could feel the heat from its flame. It was like no other heat he’d ever felt.

He lunged forward, but the winged entity's sword emitted some sort of force field that threw him back as it swung. 

Kain tried again. This time, the winged entity's sword and his short spear made contact. The spear started to glow redder and redder, then orange.

“AHHHHHHH!” Kain yelled as the glowing metal singed his flesh. He threw the short spear to the ground and was feeling hopeless. The winged entity just stood there, ready to defend this place.

Then Kain had a vision. It was an image of the lord Mordica. His hand involuntarily started to move. It stuck out at the winged entity. Kain did not understand what was happening.

Then the mark on Kain’s hand started to glow orange. “AHHHHHHHHH,” Kain shouted.

Then he watched as the winged entity suddenly took its own sword and stabbed itself. The winged entity started fading away. And then it disappeared into non-existence.

Only the sword was left. Kain took it and went into the place.

now back to the blog...

“In this place there is a tree that grew from my corpse.
There is much life in and around this tree.

You must only disturb this tree,
for if not my body will be turned to ash and all will be lost.
When you find this tree, eat the fruit from it if you like,
for it will give you immortal life.

But be weary of the other tree
 for it is a trickster disguised as the real one.”

Kain was careful in choosing the tree.

He noticed the first tree, which was very vibrant. It had red fruit on it. It was the most favorable of all trees.

He went to pluck one of its fruit when he noticed that one of the fruits has already been plucked.

A serpent then appeared, slithering down the branches of the tree and it spoke, “Pluck one and eat it if you’d like, it won’t change things.” Kain stayed away and started looking for the other tree.

He found one that was very vibrant as well, but with brown fruit. He doubted the tree but then remembered what the bearded old man had said. So he took one of the fruits and ate it.

He felt something that he had never felt in his life, like if his body was glowing, so he smiled.

“Underneath the tree is my body.
You must remove it without damaging the tree,
for if the tree is damaged then my body will be damaged,
since it is a part of me.”

He did this and tried to be careful and remember what the bearded old man said to him.

“Inside my body there are two books.
The Book of the Good, which is underneath my heart,
and The Book of the Wicked, which is underneath my right lung,
which I made black with my sinning.

The books contain stories that I’ve envisioned
through hundreds of years of meditation.


For if you spill my charred blood on The Book of the Wicked,
you will curse it and anyone who reads it.
And you will also make the stories within it come to full fruition.

And do not spill the blood of my heart on The Book of the Good,
for you will neutralize it and its stories will never come true,
because my heart also has some of my charred blood within it.

Kain dug the ground and carefully removed the body from underneath the tree.

The roots of the tree were connected to the bearded old man’s body. He wiped the dirt from him and noticed something.

“A Neanderthal? I don’t understand.” Not wasting any time he took his short spear and made the incisions that the bearded old man suggested.

He then opened his chest and saw the two books hidden underneath the bearded old man’s organs.

He first tried to remove the book that was under the black lung. He started to move the lung, but it burst right before his very eyes.


now back to the blog...

The black, charred blood spilled on the book and Kain quickly tried to remove it. But immediately, the blood dried and it left a stain on the cover and the pages. It also dried on his hands. He tried washing it but it did not come off.

Now, knowing how fragile the bearded old man’s organs were, he took out the other book with much care.

As Kain stood with the two books now in his hands, the apparition of the bearded old man appeared before him, as if out of thin air.  

“Hello again, Kain,” the apparition of the bearded old man greeted him calmly.

However, Kain was distressed. “Bearded old man, I don’t understand. You’re a Neanderthal?”

The apparition of the bearded old man floated in front of him, “Yes, you see, I was the first of those called Simians, whom the creator took from the northern land and placed into The Fabled Land of Old. For you see, The Fabled Land of Old was a project.

“When the creator was done with me, the creator then took a Simian from the eastern land and created a Neanderthal Erectus, who would later disappear back to the east. And your father, well, he was the last.”

Kain had never heard this before. He asked, “My father?”

“Yes, me and the Neanderthal Erectus were just prototypes.

“So you are right when you Humans say that you are the chosen race. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get along. 

“Anyway, as I said, I was the first. And with a helper mate I created a family. But one day, a serpent tricked me into eating fruit from the forbidden tree.

“Realizing what I’d done, I sent my family to leave The Fabled Land of Old and return north, so that the curse of having the knowledge of good and evil resided only in my mind.

“With that knowledge I wrote these two books. Read them, for you must create the third book: 'The Book of the Twain'.

“And now, I instruct that you destroy this tree,” the apparition of the bearded old man gestured towards the tree.

Kain was confused. “Destroy it? Are you mad?”

The apparition of the bearded old man quickly turned towards Kain again and yelled.


Kain, realizing that he had been misled, was enraged, “Why wasn’t I told about this!?”

The apparition of the bearded old man laughed and said, “You, my friend, already have the heaviest curse of all. That’s why I chose you for this quest. Now I must go, for my spirit is fleeting,” the apparition of the bearded old man faded away.

Kain looked at the tree with disdain and thought to himself, “If I am cursed, then it is only fair for others to be as well.”


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