The Wizard's Message

Gandalf from Lord of the Rings

DJ Hadoken "not the Exlamparaaghis version" has this to say:

I’ve written a ballad about the fateful day that the notorious wizard approached none other than Kewl Kat (A.K.A. Southern Cowboy) and gave him a message to deliver to the original DJ Hadoken.

It was one of the messages that would change the course of RIA history forever.

I’ve also RIA-fied it a bit to make it original content. Enjoy.

The Wizard’s Message
Ballad lyrics written by DJ Hadoken 7

Hello there Cowboy
Will you come over here?
Will you take this message to your RIAfunk?

The bracelet of power must get to Mount Dread
But Frito is a bumbling idiot in his head

The RIA Army is powerful and cool
I think that they can make it in his stead

And Central-dirt is going to fall either way

And fights alongside our allies

Now Cowboy go and
Ride with the wind
And take this message to DJ Hadoken...


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




Buy Me a Coffee

