By popular demand

Spinosaurus chasing people in Jurassic Park 3.

DJ Hadoken 7 has this to say:

I was planning on updating The Funk with something, but first, believe it or not people still come across this site looking for Spinosaurus jokes.

So I feel that I must address popular demand and proudly bring to you some more jokes about Spinosaurus.

Blog Update!

Original post continues below!

Q. Why did the Spinosaurus cross the road?

Because it was being transported to a different museum.

Q. What is Spinosaurus’s DJ name?

DJ Spin O’ Saurus.

Q. Spinosaurus is supposedly the biggest predator
to ever walk the earth.
What else did it have that was supposedly very big?

A big sense of humor.

I don’t know what it is about Spinosaurus jokes that tickles people’s Jurassic Funny Bones so much but I hope that you found this installment of Spinosaurus jokes entertaining and be sure to check out my previous post featuring some more Spinosaurus jokes.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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