Under construction... sort of.

Dirt covered construction machinery at a large construction site.

DJ Hadoken 7 has this to say:

There’s been an excavator parked in front of riafunk.com for awhile.

That’s for a reason.

But I decided that I’m going to need some construction machinery for this riafunk.blog site, too. So I’ve rented some more equipment which will be parked over here as well.

As the title of the post says, this blog site is “sort of” under construction.

Believe it or not, since my last post I’ve been working on this site almost every day. I decided to focus my energy on getting some of The Funk back up before moving on to what I’m planning next.

Back to the “sort of” part.

Actually, I am filtering through the old content and making it more modern-day friendly.

But I didn’t realize how long it would actually take me to filter through all of it. So that’s why I’ve decided to rent some more construction equipment.

And there’s already some new stuff being mixed in.

For example, there’s now a Korean version of The Funk Mistress’s movie review of Crank. I added a Hotties of ’03 image to DJ Benvenuto’s movie review of The Two Towers.

I’ve also edited and posted up D.A.N. Destroy All Neanderthal. Which was originally a story that Zath submitted a while ago.

If you’re into prehistoric fiction, check it out. With the edits I think I will dare to say it’s now quite prehysterical.

Speaking of prehysterical things, that’s a good segway into what I want to say next.

So, another reason I put that “sort of” part in the post title is because I will also be focusing on Spinosaurus material of the joke-related kind, which isn’t part of the other stuff that’s going on around here.

I understand that the Spinosaurus crowd doesn’t care about all the other stuff. So there is no need to make everybody wait unnecessarily.

As you may already be aware, during large construction and excavation operations it’s not surprising to uncover fossils of dinosaurs.

And recently, that’s exactly what happened here. Some of our “construction workers” uncovered a fossil with a joke inscribed on it that gives us a clue as to what the origin of Spinosaurus may be.

So here’s a preview of what’s to come for all you Spinosaurus lovers.

How did Spinosaurus get its name?

A confused Aquilops couple were trying to write “Spiked Noses R Us” on what they thought was a mountainside.

In case you don’t know, an Aquilops was a cat-sized dinosaur with a spiked (ceratopsian) nose.

That was just a preview, so don’t worry.

Vulture lovers, stay tuned.

More to come.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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