It's all so macabre

A macabre-looking dark photo of a pair of cracked and broken marionette doll heads placed on a mirror with the withered innards of a marionette in the front.

DJ Hadoken 7 has this to say:

I’m writing this post from the construction site office over here at the RIAfunk blog outpost.

I thought it would be rather fitting for this website to make a Halloween post.

It’s become very active around here again after a long period of desolation. Suddenly construction vehicles have appeared out of nowhere, there are Spinosaurus fossils littered all over the place and there is barely any communication to the outside world about what the heck is going on.

A lot of the posts on this blog seem like they could have been written just the other day, but if you look closely at the date you can see that some are 20+ years old.

There is a number “7” after my name, indicating that there were SIX other DJ Hadokens before me. And as I mentioned before, the last one who posted on The Funk was DJ Hadoken 2 (a.k.a. “DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis”). So what happened to those six other DJ Hadokens and the FOUR that never posted on the website?

What happened to all of those people?

So much energy and vitality in those old posts. But it’s all gone. Those people are nowhere to be found. The person writing this isn’t even an immediate successor, he’s FOURTH in line after the last one to update.

All these constructions workers, all of this work being done now, but... what the heck happened before?

Unfamiliar people suddenly going about with a purpose. Yet, no explanation.

If you think about it, it’s pretty macabre.

Anyway, it’s been busy here at the blog construction site, but in the distance you can see that over at some more machinery has appeared.

It may seem like mostly all of the activity is happening over here at the blog site, but that’s because we are working out in the open here and it’s also expanded into an excavation operation as we keep uncovering more Spinosaurus fossils and are attempting to salvage as many jokes as we can from them.

But they’ve got heavier machinery than us over at and have hauled in new equipment in order to start construction on yet another new RIAfunk site.

Well, not new, it’s all old. Because the new site existed before, too.

I’m talking about the Forums and they WILL be coming back. Not a question of IF or speculation, the forums will be back, and probably sooner than later, that’s why I wanted to mention it in this post.

It’s really like a zombie rising from a grave (not the first time in the case of the forums). A sudden reanimation, yet most people don’t know how it ended up that way to begin with...

That’s why this is all macabre.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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