More than likely almost certainly

A dark photo of some spotlights that are projecting the silhouettes of some standing people, who are shrugging, onto a thin curtain.

DJ Hadoken 7 has this to say:

There’s been a lot going on around here lately.

The message board construction is moving along nicely. I was asked to help out over there, so I’ve been moving back and forth (all behind the scenes, of course) between this blog’s construction site and the new board’s construction site.

Over at the construction site, there’s been some chatter lately about “breaking ground”. I’m not sure what that means, though. Because there’s been a building over there with the same construction vehicle parked in front of it for a while now.

Lots of things in motion. And as I’ve mentioned a few times already, the front page of this blog hasn’t changed much. But if you peek further, you’ll see that lots of the old posts have returned. I’ve been working on this site in some way or another almost every day.

So stay tuned for further developments. I’m also planning on doing a Christmas post as well as a New Years post. I’ve already got an idea about what I want to write in the New Years post, but I’m still thinking about what to do for the Christmas post. More than likely almost certainly it’s going to be Spinosaurus-related.

Now, let me tell you about what happened today that inspired me to take a break from dusting off Spinosaurus fossils looking for jokes and write a post to begin with.

But this post itself has already gotten pretty long, so if are interested in hearing about my experience today with a slimy banana, please check out my next post.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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