Slimy Gooey Banana Synchronicity

A photo of an unpeeled large banana with brown and bruised skin.

DJ Hadoken 7 "the banana eater" has this to say:

Okay, so now that the recap of recent developments is out of the way, let me tell you my slimy banana story.

So tonight when I was done buying some groceries at the supermarket, I went over to one of the large counters that they have for people to self-bag their stuff.

Everything was pretty normal for the most part, just minding my own business as I neatly organized and packed my fresh produce and health-conscious food into my bag.

And then I grabbed the bananas and that’s when the “pretty normal” went “completely sideways”.

So I’ve been using the same grocery store for years and I am a frequent purchaser and consumer of bananas. I’m very picky and consider cost performance before choosing which bunch of bananas to buy.

How many bananas will I get for the price? And how big are they? Two very important questions when considering cost performance. Balance is key. And another deciding question is, what do they look like?

So when I was looking over today’s selection of bananas, I was sort of disappointed because most of the line-up was either too big and too little, or too little and too expensive.

That is until I noticed a new type of banana bunch that I have never seen before at the grocery store. The labels said “limited sale” and the packaging has a sticker on it that says “BIG”.

And these bananas, as promised, were indeed big. So far so good, I knew what bunch I would be buying today. But there were two bunches to choose from (same price) so next I had to determine how many would I get and what did they look like?

In that moment I felt like it was a pretty easy decision, because both bunches of bananas looked pretty good, but one bunch had six bananas, and the other one had seven. So of course, I chose the bunch of seven bananas.

Lately it’s been hard to find a bunch of decently-sized bananas in a bunch of four or more for a good price. I’ve even had to resort to buying two bunches of three bananas quite often lately. So I felt like I hit the jackpot with the large bunch of seven bananas that I found. That is, until I was bagging my groceries and I grabbed this bunch of bananas once again.

This time I got a closer look at the bananas and I noticed something that I had not when I was examining it in the fruit aisle. One of the bananas had quite a large bruise on it. It’s one of those bruises where the skin of the banana is fine but by the color of it you just know that underneath it’s just melting into slimy soft mushy goo, and the more time passes the gooier and slimier it gets.

Usually I end up chopping off and throwing away the gooey and slimy part, which negatively affects the cost performance because there is less banana to eat. But I must admit, sometimes I do eat the gooey part if I feel that the size of the remaining banana is not enough to satisfy my appetite.

So as I was holding this bunch of bananas and looking at this bruise thinking about the hidden gooey sliminess beneath, I regretted not having chosen the bunch of six bananas instead. But then I started to wonder if it even matters if I eat the slimy gooey part. I usually throw it away because I imagine that some farmer’s sweat droplet seeped through the banana skin and was now festering into slimy gooeyness beneath the surface.

I thought to myself, “Whatever, I can’t do anything about that now. I’ll just check information online later about that slimy gooey part,” as I was placing the bananas in my bag. But at that moment I noticed somebody walking quickly towards me.

When I looked up and got a good look at this person, I noticed it was this older-looking woman walking towards me with a banana shoved in her mouth with the peels just flopping all over her cheeks.

As she walked towards the other side of the counter I was packing my things at, she was just scarfing this banana down. And when she got closer to the end of the peel, she pulled it off, leaving the remaining banana sticking out of her mouth. And then with the remaining banana still sticking out of her mouth, she bent over to throw the peel away in the waste basket in front of the counter.

After she threw the peel away, she walked away, still with the remaining banana sticking out of her mouth, scarfing it down. After I was done bagging my groceries, I passed by her at the exit and noticed that her bag had even more bananas stuffed inside of it.

Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve experienced a “synchronicity”. But the timing was just impeccable. Of all the moments she could have appeared in front me, it had to be the moment I had been packing my bananas and contemplating whether I should eat the slimy gooey part or not. Not to mention that her way of eating the banana was rather eccentric.

Most of the time I interpret “synchronicities” as indicators that things are “how they are supposed to be” at the given moment. But at the moment this woman appeared, I had already decided that I would research online about whether it’s okay to eat the slimy gooey part or not.

now back to the blog...

Why would the synchronicity be indicating to me that looking it up online is “how it’s supposed to be”? What does that even mean?

Should I eat the slimy gooey part?

Should I NOT eat the slimy gooey part?

The way she was shoving that banana in her mouth with the peel flopping all over might be a strong indicator for eating the slimy gooey part. But given that I noticed that her bag was full of more bananas and that the store just recently started selling this new bunch of limited “BIG” bananas, it’s also possible that she was an undercover banana salesperson.

But then again, if she was an undercover banana salesperson, it means that she must have been hiding in a corner somewhere scouting and waiting for somebody (anybody) to appear. For who knows how long. And when I finally appeared, she deliberately ran out from wherever she had been hiding and frantically shoved that banana into her mouth in an attempt to get my attention.

Imagine a person being paid to do that over and over again. If that were true, it’s pretty absurd behavior.

So as you can see, this “synchronicity” did not provide any clear response as to whether or not I should eat the slimy gooey part of a banana.

Has the universe become so lazy that even it has resorted to telling people to just look things up online?

It might be an “existential problem” but after thinking about it for awhile, I decided to interpret it as an indicator that I should write this blog post and that it probably doesn’t even matter whether or not I eat the slimy soft mushy gooey part of a banana.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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