DJ Hadoken 7 has this to say:
As you may already have not noticed, I have been posting less frequently recently. That’s for two reasons.
One is that I started working at a new job a few months ago. So there have been time constraint issues as I adjust to the new working environment. The second reason is that during the spare time that I do have, I have been focusing on writing the next installation of TCOTWAME.
TCOTWAME (a.k.a. The Chronicle of the War Against Central-dirt) is pretty much what the title suggests. It is the DETAILED CHRONICLE of that time RIAfunk invaded “Central-dirt”, according to the plan laid out in DJ HADOKEN’S PROPOSAL FOR PEACE and further chronicled in KEWL KAT’S WAR JOURNAL.
I started to draft TCOTWAME back in college. I worked on it off and on over a period of about two years. The Funk Mistress even helped me edit it. The beginning to the end is already written in a “mostly complete” draft. With a little more work, it would have been ready to post on the site (which was my original intention). But LIFE HAPPENED and it has sat dormant all these years. Only The Funk Mistress and I had ever laid eyes on it, UNTIL NOW!
These are some of those “new old posts” that I mentioned in my New Year’s post earlier this year. Since the majority of the old posts (Not all of them, though. I’m still not done yet. BELIEVE IT OR NOT!) have been put back up, I was finally able to start posting up TCOTWAME.
So the situation with TCOTWAME is that even though a “mostly complete” draft of it exists, I’m not posting it up all at once because I am taking this opportunity to add more details to each part and just “improve” it overall.
Each part of TCOTWAME takes a little more time to write than a regular post. And the latest installation (which I’m currently writing) is turning out to be the longest of them all. And probably the longest post ever on this blog.
It’s about the confrontation with SOREMAN THE JACKED that occurs during the “Battle at Ló Liel”. Actually, this was one of the parts that was not finished in the “mostly complete” draft. I felt like the confrontation needed to be a bit more “epic”, but never got around to writing it the way I envisioned it, UNTIL NOW!
The “mostly complete” draft was last edited around December 25 of 2007. So I’ve dated the posts according to that. But actually, if I had continued to write at the same pace at the time, maybe around the end of February of 2008 is when I would have actually finished it, and therefore may be a more accurate date for the posts. But I’ve already posted so many parts up that I don’t want to go back and repost them all just to change the dates in the URLs and break all sorts of links.
Oh yeah, and since I’m retroactively posting TCOTWAME up, it’s not appearing on the front page of this blog (like all of the other retroactive posts). So if you are interested in checking it out, click this link here or look for the TCOTWAME-titled posts among the past posts in this blog.
The part that I am writing now that features SOREMAN THE JACKED should be done in a few days. Unfortunately, in the immediate future I’ll be busy at Tokyo Game Show, so I won’t be able to work on this blog much. But after I’m done at TGS, I should be able to finish it.
After it’s posted up, I’m going to take a break before I post the next part. This one has taken so long to finish that I haven’t been able to work on some other unrelated posts that I wanted to make. So after I’m done with those, I’ll get back around to the next part of TCOTWAME.
Oh, I should mention that none other than DIVER DAN has received the honor of being featured in the image for this post. The image depicts him using one of the many crazy contraptions that he created, which contributed to the ULTIMATE VICTORY AND SUBJUGATION of Central-dirt.
Depicted behind him are some mighty RIA ZEALOT WARRIORS subjugating the PITIFUL AND WEAK INHABITANTS OF CENTRAL-DIRT.
So if you’re a TCOTWAME fan, please have patience as I finish this TOP QUALITY story for you. It’ll be about halfway through after I post this next part up. I don’t feel that the parts after that will take me nearly as long to finish, since they are already written out in the “mostly complete” draft.
But we shall see...
I might decide to make it “more entertaining” as I go along.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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